Presentation of Financial Results on Google Slides

Presentation of Financial Results on Google Slides

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Presentation of Financial Results on Google Slides

The Financial Results Presentation is a ready-made presentation template, it is a Google Slides theme, with editable slides so that you can make your financial presentation visually flawless and in just a few minutes.

It was developed based on theories and spreadsheets focused on financial results presentations. By downloading this Google Slides Presentation you will have more than 60 slides totally focused on the business finance environment, being able to make your results presentation in just a few minutes, with great appeal and visual impact.

The Presentation of Financial Results can be used both by consultants who want to present the results of their consultancy, as well as by managers or employees who want to show the results of their area to directors, direct superiors or the rest of the company.

This presentation can be used at various times, such as: monthly, semi-annual and annual results statement, when proposing cuts or new investments in the company and even when presenting a new financial plan or budget control for the company’s new year.

Slides contain image spaces (called placeholders) where you can simply drag your image onto the slide and you’re done. Your image will automatically fit the shape, be it rectangular, round, etc.

All elements are 100% editable and that includes tables, colors, texts and everything else. Making any changes is very simple.



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