Business Financial Planning Excel Spreadsheet Template

Business Financial Planning Excel Spreadsheet Template

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Business Financial Planning Excel Spreadsheet Template

General information

The initial area to select the financial planning year and month, as well as to input the previous year’s results (which will work as a comparison with the goals and results achieved).

Financial planning

Create your “revenue and expense” financial plan. Set goals for up to 3 years and track your progress to the goals automatically for each month.

Analyzing Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenarios

Analyze your financial plans. Evaluate if they will behave positively or negatively with percentage variations in each of these possible scenarios.

Annual Financial Control

Once your planning is complete, you will start the gradual work of monitoring and financial controlling work of your results year by year for decision-making.

Comparative Report

Choose two key metrics (between Planning Goals, Previous Result, and Actual Result) to check automatic annual consolidated comparisons.

Financial Planning Dashboard

It’s the control panel with all the main indicators and graphs of your financial plan.

Annual Review Dashboard

Choose a year and check out the result concerning the goals you established earlier.

Business Financial Planning Excel Spreadsheet Template



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