Complete Aesthetics Clinic Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

Complete Aesthetics Clinic Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

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Complete Aesthetics Clinic Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

Register all Materials of the Aesthetics Clinic:

The initial area to register all the treatment materials used in your clinic.

Registration of Clients, Suppliers, Treatments, and Clinical Staffs:

Register your clients, suppliers, and employees who work daily in your aesthetic clinic.

Scheduling Treatments:

Record all the treatment schedules according to dates & times, Clients, and assigned professionals of your clinic.

Recording Materials uses and purchases:

Record your regular uses and purchases of the materials to get a complete view of your inventory and need for new purchases.

Management Costs:

Record each month’s management costs of your clinic to get the financial reports.

Daily schedule:

Select a date to see all the appointments already scheduled for this day.

Monthly Cash Flow:

Monthly analysis of the Revenues, Expenses, and cash flow of the clinic

Analysis of the Treatments:

Area for analysis of the main esthetic treatments done in the clinic

Clinical Inventory Report:

View the number of materials in stock and receive automatic feedback when it is required new purchases.

Financial Dashboard:

The control panel visualizes the financial information, indicators, and charts of the aesthetic clinic.

Inventory Control Dashboard:

The visual panel to see the complete information of a specific material and analyze its monthly evolution compared to the minimum stock.

Complete Aesthetics Clinic Management Excel Spreadsheet Template



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