Marketing Plan Excel Spreadsheet Template

Marketing Plan Excel Spreadsheet Template

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Marketing Plan Excel Spreadsheet Template

Product or Service Attributes
On this tab, you will fill in the information related to the attributes of your product/service. This stands for the P for product on your Marketing Mix.

Pricing Strategy
Answering 5 key questions, you will understand better which pricing strategy you are using and have some suggestions about how to apply it. This stands for the P of price on your Marketing Mix.

You should define where your product will be available to the public. If it´s a store if it´s on-line or has any geographical focus. This stands for the P of place on your Marketing Mix.

Promotion – Budget, Costs, and Income
This section is divided into 3 tabs that track your monthly planned budget, your actual costs and the income by each medium. This stands for the P of promotion on your Marketing Mix.

This schedule is designed so that you can track weekly activities for each medium thourghout the year.

Promotion Report

This automatic report will keep track of your budget spent and the return (income) of each medium.

Medium Report
You can look up for each individual medium and have its specific data just like in the overall promotion report.

Marketing Plan Dashboard

A beautiful, automated, and dynamic dashboard that will showcase your marketing plan key metrics such as top 5 budgets, costs, income and results.


Marketing Plan Excel Spreadsheet Template



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