Quality Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

Quality Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

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Quality Management Excel Spreadsheet Template

Areas and Employees Register
Area to register your employees and areas responsible for corrective actions that will be planned and executed

Matrix GUT
Survey and prioritization using the Severity, Urgency and Trend of problems matrix, products, projects or departments

Ishikawa Diagram
Analysis of causes and effects of problems, products or projects previously listed in the worksheet. As a result, you will automatically see your fishbone diagram

FMEA Analysis
Area to unmask the causes and understand what flaws and effects they can cause if nothing is done about it.

Corrective actions
As you complete the worksheet so far, organize corrective actions to prevent potential failures from occurring and hampering your business.

Risk analysis
Another key analysis is risk analysis. According to your answers the spreadsheet automatically tells you what the priority risks are and, as you make a survey of the necessary investments, whether it is worth investing or not.

Pareto Diagram
An essential tool to understand which problems, projects or products are responsible for the higher percentage of investment required. This is another tool that will help you understand the priorities of the company.

PDCA Cycle
All of the quality tools used in the worksheet follow the flow of the PDCA, where you first plan, execute, then track what has been done and take action to make the cycle spin again.

A quality tool that shows you the fill percentage of the worksheet

Priority Matrix
Select one of the issues listed and view where it is in the Priorities matrix.

Dashboard Quality Cycle
Control panel with the main indicators related to complete quality management

Disaster and Risk Analysis Dashboard
Understand the main types of hazards and eventual failures related to problems, projects or products raised

Quality Management Excel Spreadsheet Template



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